
Renmin University of China Xu Bei Hong School of Arts
Certificate of Fine Arts Public Examinations (Overseas)Entry Form

Renmin University of China Xu Bei Hong School of Arts
Certificate of Fine Arts Public Examinations (Overseas)Entry Form
申請人/機構﹕(中文)------------------------------------------  (英文)---------------------------------
Applicant   : *School/*studio/*teacher/*candidate (Please circle where appropriate)
            (請圈注) *學校/*藝術機構/*老師/*考生本人
電話 / TEL ﹕-----------------------------------------  學校/藝術機構聯絡人﹕-------------------------
Address of School/Studio or Residential Address of Student
1,  考生姓名(中文)﹕------------------------------(英文)Name:----------------------------------------
出生日期(只需填冩年份)﹕---------------------------年     現就读年级: (如 K2 / 小三 / 中五) ---------
(Date of birth)                     
聯絡電話﹕--------------------------報考級別﹕-------  報考科目: 兒童畫 / 素描 / 色彩 /國畫 / 書法
(Contact Tel No)                   (Subject&Grade)               (請圈注)          
報名費﹕-----------------          申請人簽署:                                  日期﹕
(Fee)                            Applicant’s Signature:--------------------------- DATE:-------------
1,      携带身份证明文件或学生手册(正本或副本),到指定的報考中心報名﹐填冩以上報名表並交付報考費.
注:(海外考區報考中心僅核对身份和年龄, 即时退还身份证明文件.考生如無填冩中文姓名證書將僅印英文姓名,
2﹐    參試作品由中國人民大學徐悲鴻藝術研究院教授導師評分﹐考試成績單於十二星期寄給申請人。合格者即
3,      所有參試作品存檔不會退回﹐具有一定的繪畫專業水平的港﹑澳﹑台同胞,歡迎報讀中國人民大學藝術學
4﹐海外考區(香港)總辦事處﹕                                    HONG KONG MAIN OFFICE:
   金聲藝術中心                                                KAM SING ARTS CENTRE
   地址:香港九龍牛頭角淘大商場一樓162-168號                   No.162-168 1/F AMOY PLAZA
                                                               NGAU TAU KOK  KL
   電話:27553005﹐傳真: 27565575。                            Tel:27553005. Fax: 27565575
 資訊網:徐悲鴻藝術網                     www.xbhysw.com
 海外網:徐悲鴻杯藝術網                  http://xbhcup.artforum.hk
*FOR  OFFICE  USE  ONLY   Demand Note No.              
1﹐如經由學校或老師代報﹐必須於報名時遞交此聲明書。*若考生年齡為18 歲或以上﹐可自行填寫及簽署此表格﹔否則﹐此表格須由家長/監護人簽署。
   This form should be submitted at the time of entry if the candidate is entered by a school, a teacher or anyone who is not the candidate or his/her parent/guardian. *The form should be signed by the candidate if he/she is aged 18 or above. Otherwise, this form should be signed by the parent/guardian. 
   If the examination is entered by the candidate or parent/guardian, the applicant will be the candidate. The name of the institution presenting the candidate will not be printed on the certificate.  
                       Renmin University of China Xu Bei Hong School of Arts          可複印此表格                
                             Certificate of Fine Arts Public Examinations             This form may be
            考生 / 家長 / 監護人  聲明書              
I agree that the candidate (name of candidate 考生姓名)  is presented by the
Applicant (name of applicant申請人姓名/機構)           for the Xu Bei Hong School of Arts Certificate of
                                                       Fine Arts Public Examinations.                                   
I understand that:
1.  所有參試作品不會退回考生本人﹐徐悲鴻藝術研究院保留隨意採用這些作品的權利。
    All works examined will not be returned to the candidate. Xu Bei Hong School of Arts reserves the rights to
    use them at its discretion.
2.  考生可自行報名參加考試﹐或經由家長/監護人﹐學校或美術老師報名參加考試。報名表上[申請人] 一詞﹐是指全權負責替考生報名參加考試的人士﹐而所有與報名事宜相關的通訊亦會寄給申請人﹔申請人必須盡快將所有文件轉交各考生。考生如獲發證書﹐申請人的姓名/ 機構將會列於考生證書上。
   若在報名手續辦妥後申請更改報考身分(由老師/畫室/藝術機構/學校為申請人轉作考生本人/家長/監護人為申請人) ﹐必須得到原先的申請人書面同意。惟考生如獲發證書﹐原先申請人的姓名/機構仍會列印於證書上。
Candidates may enter themselves or may be entered by a parent/guardian, a school or a teacher of art. The term ‘applicant’ on the entry from refers to the person who accepts the responsibilities for entering candidate(s) and to whom all communications regarding the entry will be sent. The applicant is also responsible for the distribution of documents to candidate(s) as effectively as possible. The applicant’s name will appear on the candidate’s certificate, if awarded.
3.  本聲明書一經簽署﹐本人明白報名費不予退回﹐本人同意徐悲鴻藝術研究院將所有與這考試有關的文件﹐包括准考證﹐成绩单﹐證書等﹐寄予老師/畫室/藝術機構/學校。除得到原先的申請人書面同意外﹐徐悲鴻藝術研究院不會將此類文件交予考生/家長/監護人。
By signing below, I understand the registration fees will not be refunded, I agree that the candidate’s admission form, mark form, certificate (if awarded) and all other exam-related documents will be sent by the Xu Bei Hong School of Atrs to the teacher/studio/school. The Xu Bei Hong School of Atrs will not sent these documents to the candidate/parent/guardian unless written agreement of the initial applicant is received by the Xu Bei Hong School of Atrs.